Hobbies & Interests:
© Simon Robert Chudley 2012
s i m o n@c h u d l e y . m e
Welcome to the home of M1BWT - a UK registered amateur radio station - operated by Simon Chudley. These pages are dedicated to my hobby of Ham radio, with details of my station, operations and interests.
I've previously been active on HF from my old QTH of North London, England (IO91wn). Located a short distance from the popular Camden Town Market, I ran a modest setup within an inner city environment.
Having recently moved my station is temporarily off-air, but will hopefully be re-established shortly.
I've been a registered amateur radio operator since 1997, but have only recently returned to the air after a break of ~ 10 years.
If you would like to contact me off air, please send me a mail to
Please QSL via - see my Contact Logbook for recent activity, and details of my Station QSL Cards.
Details of my radio and shack setup |
Antennas in use at my QTH |
Details of my mobile setup in the car |
Contact logbook showing recent activity on the air |
History of M1BWT and my radio operating career |
The design of my station QSL cards |
Tips and tools for learning CW |
FREE Amateur radio logging software for Windows |
Some useful online resources related to Amateur Radio |
Gallery of various Amateur Radio pictures |