
I've started many projects, and finished fewer, as part of my hobbies and spare time. I'm not actively working on these anymore, but they might be of interest to others or provide inspiration.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Ford Fiesta MK6

I own a Ford Fiesta MK6 Facelift, and often make little modifications to it, such as installing audio AUX input and my Amateur Radio setup.

Details of my mobile Amateur Radio installation can be found on my Mobile Radio Setup pages.

Details of general modifications to the Ford Fiesta MK6 can be found on my Ford Fiesta MK6 Modifications pages.

SlyBot - Robotics

This projects aim was to create a series of experimental robots to investigate methods of software control and automation, associated with the RaSCL project below.

I succeeded in creating a six legged computer controlled robot (pictured left), and developing an interpreted robot programming language (see below) - but then moved onto a new project and development went no further.

Full details of this project can be found here.

RaSCL - Robotics Control Software

This projects main aim was to interface with the experimental robots created during the above project to investigate methods of software control and automation. It involved developing a software control system to control movement and react to sensor inputs.

The aim was to implement an abstracted control language that aids rapid and easy robotics software development.

I succeeded in creating a control language, in which I was able to describe walking routines such as wave gait, but never got as far as handling sensor input.

Full details of this project can be found here.

Transparent Mobile IP

The set of applications provided by this project enable a network to provide transparent mobility to all IPv4 equipped clients. With this, clients can obtain an IP address in one subnet (via DHCP for example), then migrate to a new network (in a completely different part of the network) and continue to operate as normal, without changing any settings.

The network itself will adjust to serve these mobile clients, and the key point to note is that no software is required on the client itself. This is where it differs from standard IP mobility, where the clients need to be aware of their migration. Therefore, even simple IPv4 devices could take advantage of mobility.

This software was actively used as part of the original SOWN large scale WLan network at Southampton University.

Since publishing this project, many articles (including one published in a Germany Linux magazine), papers and PHD thesis have been written utilising this software. See my Publications & Papers page for references.

The software effectively dynamically created tunnels to pass client data around the network transparently to them, making use of special behaviours of Ethernet & IPv4 to fool the client into thinking they were still within their home network, never requiring an IP change.

Full details of this project can be found here.

Network Management using Abstracted XML Specifications

This was my third year project at University, making up a considerable amount of my overall degree. The project ran from October 2001 through to May 2002.

The main driving force behind this project was to create an XML and XSL infrastructure to enable network services between distributed nodes to be easily configured.

Configurations are to be represented in an abstracted manor, hence allowing implementation level specifics to be automatically generated.

This project still lives, as the Verinec Network Configuration project at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. My original project supervisor, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche, now heads that group and has expanded the project coverage greatly.

Various papers and PHD thesis have been written originally based on this software. See my Publications & Papers page for references.

Full details of this project can be found here.

projects/home.txt · Last modified: 2012/09/27 14:12 by simon
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